Males hand in hand.

Males hand in hand.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Short term goal continued.

This is a poem that I will be sending out tomorrow to continue my short term advocacy effort.

 by: Jennifer S. Williams


When I scratched my knee,
Or if I bumped my head,.
When I was afraid of the dark,
Or that thing under my bed,
When I cried in the night,
Or even in the day,.
You were there for me,
To make it all okay.

You tickled my feet,
And laughed at all my jokes.
You taught me to believe,
In having high hopes.
You are my father
You did what you had to do.
But more than a father
You are my friend too.
You made everything good,
That was once bad.
I just want you to know
I love you Dad.


  1. Hello Robert you are on your way to a productive advocacy plan. I believe that we do need more male involvement with children and in their education. You chose a great peom to share and persuade people to support your advocacy plan. What have been some of your struggles thus far? Is it hard to get male participation? I am asking these questions because I would like to encourage more male involvement in my center. Thank you for the wonderful poem and post!

  2. Hi, Roberto I would like to see more male involvement in my center too. I believe children need more male role models, because there are a lot of single mothers raising children by themselves. That is a great poem I will use it for Fathers Day. Keep up the good work with your advocacy plan
